Promoting Lake Stewardship...
Renaturalize your shoreline. Planting native species along the water’s edge helps the lake by filtering run-off and oxygenating the water along the shoreline. A vegetated shoreline reduces the amount of unwanted chemicals such as phosphates entering the lake, minimizes erosion, and provides improved habitat for aquatic wildlife. Buffer zones of plants also increase the natural beauty of the lake.
Ensure your Septic System is in good working order. Septic tanks need to be pumped out every 3 to 5 years and the entire system should be checked regularly.
Go Phosphate Free. Use phosphate free, environmentally friendly soap, shampoo, detergent, and cleaner.
Be considerate and respectful members of the the Millsite Lake Community
Wash in the lake. All soaps and cleansers contain chemicals and perfumes.
Don’t use antibacterial soap. Your septic system needs bacteria to break down solids.
Don’t use fertilizer. Fertilizers contain nitrogen and phosphorous which enter the lake through run off.
Burn leaves near the shoreline. Burning turns the leaves into instant fertilizer which is easily washed into the water.
Destroy the soil holding vegetation on the shoreline. These plants prevent erosion.
Use cleaning products containing phosphates.